Hosting And Hosting Types

Hosting means to store web site or any other data on a computer which is connected to the internet. This is called as Hosting. Many companies are not direct internet service providers but they need to be connected to web because to access emails, files and to access other web sites. So they will get a hosting   provider to maintain details of their own goods and services and facilities for online orders.

Now we will discuss Different types of hosting.

 Free web hosting Services: This service is provided by limited companies with limited services to promote advertisements.
 Shared web hosting Service. When you web site is placed on the same server as many other sites and domains may share common server utilities such as RAM, CPU.
 Reseller Web Hosting: This allows host web themselves. They can function individual domains under any combinations of types of hosting. Reseller varies in many in size. They have they their own virtual dedicated server.

Virtual Dedicated Server: This is also known as virtual private Server. This VPS will divides server resource into virtual servers and these resources can be allocated which does not directly reflect ti the underlying hardware.
 Dedicated hosting Service: This is usually one of the least expensive. So the user gets own web server and have full control on it. The user administrates   the server, which in means the client must be responsible for the security of his or her own dedicated server.
Managed hosting Service: In this service the user owns a web server but not allowed full control on it. They are only allowed to manage FTP and remote management tools.
Collocation web hosting Service: This can be termed as which is similar to dedicated web hosting service but the hosting company will only provide come physical space .The collocation may provide little support for clients machine they are provided electrical ,storage facilities ,internet access for the server.
In the next post, we will learn about rest of hosting types. 

About Author:
The famous and best unlimited web hosting in India is provided by our company Hamarahosting. It is located in Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.

301,Bhaskara Plaza,

Plot no -6,

Asbestos Staff Colony,

Kharkana road,

Hyderabad - 500009.

040-64599887, 8977665544


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